Monday, September 21, 2009


We are having a Free Greg Taylor Rally on Saturday at 3PM. Special guest Dwayne Dail will be sharing with us how a wrongful conviction has affected his life and why it is so important to prevent it. Mr. Dail was wrongfully convicted in the rape of a twelve year old girl and was sentenced to two life sentences plus eighteen years.  He was released after serving over eighteen years for a crime he did not commit.Mr. Dail persues every opportunity he can to help fight wrongful convictions such as Greg's.  Please come out and show supprt for Greg. The more people we have there the more support will be shown for Greg. I'm sure a lot of you will enjoy seeing some old friends as well. The rally will be held at shelter #9 at Lake Wheeler Park. If you drive into the park follow the road toward the boat ramp and you will see two large picnic shelters on your left. We will be in the one closest to the road. Parking is available on your right. Please pass this information along to anyone you think will want to go. Please let me know if you plan to go so we can have a general idea of how many to expect. WOULDN'T IT BE GREAT IF WE HAD TO CHANGE THIS TO A WELCOME HOME PARTY?! Thank you again for your prayers and support for Greg.


Catherine Hayes Edwards said...

Hi Eddie and family - I'm so glad you are blogging about Greg I'm following this closely. I'm Keith Fulp's ex-sister-in-law and knew Greg through him, Helen and Sanderson HS.
My family, 3 of us, will be there. I'm going to let several other friends know too.
You know so many people are rooting for Greg, even some who don't know him, but read the news.
What would be nice to hear from you is what Greg's plans are when he gets out.

Mary C said...

Eddie, we will be there!! I pray that the weather will cooperate. I will pass your note on to friends.

sandman said...

eddie i plan on being there hope my family comes along i'll let dan know and will post

Unknown said...

Shoot, I will be at my booth at the Fall Homeshow. I would love to be there. Someone pick up my slack please. Give em' hell for Greg. John