Friday, September 25, 2009

Contact list

I'm being getting really optimistic here but I just wanted to prepare for the best. I am putting together a list of people that want to be called if we get word that Greg is getting out. If you would like to be on this list just email me your phone number. I will divide up the list among family and friends so that we can get the word out as quickly as possible. My email is


Mary C said...

Eddy, I am beginning to feel that enough is enough!!!

I feel it is time that all of us take further action and write letters to:

Roy Cooper, NC Attorney General
9110 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001

Senator Kay Hagen
Dirkson Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510

Senator Richard Burr
217 Russell Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20501

I learned long ago in trying to move politicians, you have to be as tenacious as they are. You have to push and push. But, you have to do it politely—which is sometimes hard to do. They will not budge if you use anger.

Please urge everyone to write or call these people. They say that one call or letter from one constituent is equal to 100 in the eyes of an elected official who wants to be re-elected.

kristen said...

I'm with you, Mary. Seems like the only way to quickly, or more than slowly, get something done in government is if there is pressure coming from those at the top.

Catherine Hayes Edwards said...

Would it help to contact media outside Raleigh? Even the nationwide TV ones? They really like these stories about innocent people being set free. This could be one they pick up that is in process. Maybe some hard interview questions to the DA's office may get the DA going. On the other hand it can be invasive to the family. But, if you could do anything to help...

Mary C said...

Catherine, from my experience in trying to get something done when dealing with elected officials, leave no stone unturned! In my opinion, we should try everything we can possibly think of. The more exposure the better.

Unknown said...

I have an "in" with WRAL news and have been trying to keep them apprised as to what is going on. My connection also knows about this blog. I'll encourage them to cover Tuesday morning. I hope it works.