Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today started off well with the article in the newspaper. For over a week now the District Attorney has been telling the public that the only resolution for Greg's case was for it to go to the three judge panel. Former Chief Justice Lake wrote to give notice that the process of the commission does not affect any post conviction proceedings. That the DA does in fact still have the ability to petition the court or join the defense in petitioning the court for the release of a wrongfully convicted person.
Later in the day the DA gave his response and says he intends to take the case to the three judge panel. The response he has made still does not change the fact that Greg is innocent.  Greg did not committ this crime and this is easily seen when you look at all the evidence. The victims sister was on the news tonight and declared she thought that Greg was innocent. "The evidence doesn't point to him," she said. "It may not point to Craig Taylor, but it doesn't point to Greg Taylor." We will not and cannot give up supporting Greg.


taylorgso said...

Willoughby talks of "Rush to Judgment in reverse" - similar to the Duke LaCross Case. Talk about rush to judgment! He needs to explain why Greg was ever tried in the first place, based on absolutely zero physical evidence, and only the testimony of two jailhouse snitches. And why did he continually tempt Greg with freedom if only he would implicate Johnny Beck, if he believed Greg committed the crime - they kept telling Greg they believed Beck did it. Ford's (Willoughby's) motives here sound suspicously racist to me. He lucked out when Michael Dodd became Greg's defense attorney - didn't know enough about the case to even present a defense. Now, Willoughby stands up and says that the evidence presented by the innocense commission is not credible. I hope the 3-judge panel will review this case in it's entirety, including the original trial.

Unknown said...

Willoughby and Ford say "the evidence is not credible", this after dealing inmates to say what they needed said in Greg's trial. The innocence commission brought it out that they weren't credible!
Someone wrote and I agree: if Craig Taylor said he overheard something that proves Greg is guilty, they would use it in a heartbeat!
The old jokes go that "lawyers are the lowest life form". Apparently, that goes for some DA's, also!